The Best Costumes You Can Make From Robes


The first brisk breeze of the fall season whips through the air. You notice that the leaves are beginning to change color and you consider the wonderful summer holiday you had while you observe the new autumnal world around you.


As you walk up to your friend’s house where the best party of the year is taking place, you see that it’s fully decked out for Halloween. You expected nothing less, but the sheer amount of Halloween decor still makes you smile. The spooky decorations include ghosts, carved pumpkins, and skeletons galore.


Your friends milling around outside are all dressed up for the party, wearing nurse costumes or rocking the classic Greaser look in honor of the 1950s. There are dozens of different costumes appearing at every turn. However, your costume is the most unique by far. 


Do you have a few Halloween parties to dress up for this spooky season? Perhaps you need a costume for a work event or you just want to wear something creative while you pass out candy to the children in your neighborhood. Regardless of the occasion, having a unique costume for any dress-up event is crucial to winning points with your peers. 


There are tons of expensive costumes for sale at party stores and pop-up Halloween venues, but they tend to be cliche and cost way too much money. Rather than spending all of your savings on playing dress up for a single night, it would be smart to make the main part of your costume out of an item that you already own, or that you could repurpose in the future. What better clothing item to do this with than a robe? Below are six creative ideas for your best Halloween costume yet, all utilizing a robe that can be repurposed for years to come. 


Star Wars Character 


Everyone loves the Star Wars franchise. Lightsabers, wit, and tons of futuristic inventions beyond our wildest dreams mark this science-fiction series as a work of art. Who wouldn’t want to dress up as a Jedi or member of the Dark Side for Halloween? Our men’s long robe with a hood is the perfect piece for this costume. You’ll be looking ready for Tatooine in no time.




As every boxing enthusiast will let you know, prizefighting is one of the most decorated sports. Between the fancy uniforms and the shiny robes, you would be able to easily identify a boxer from a mile away. Choose one of our red, white, or black robes for a sporty look that is sure to be a one-hit knock-out. Try adding some face paint or a fake bruise made of makeup for that beaten and battered look.



Spa Day Soiree 


Maybe you’d like to dress up as a member of society who is a bit more feminine. Well, with our women’s long fleece bathrobe you will be looking spa-ready in no time. Choose the white one for a clean, lustrous look that inspires your friends to believe you really did just come from a day at the spa. Add some cucumbers or sunglasses and don’t forget your mud mask! Everyone at the party will be waiting to see that glowing skin.


Bikini Babe 


Is the spa a bit too expensive for your taste? Perhaps you’d prefer to attend your Halloween event as a poolside bikini babe. Rock your bathing suit and a simple white robe, paired with some flip flops and a bottle of sunscreen. Your guests will be asking themselves, “Where’s the water?” 


Elderly Man/Woman


If you need a couples’ costume, this is the perfect choice for you! Functioning just as well as an independent costume, the old man/woman (or couple) in their bathrobe is the perfect way to stay comfy at your party. With some glasses, a fluffy plush robe, and the matching slippers that come with it, you will be looking uncannily similar to your grandparents while still participating in the best costume party of the year. 




Get back to black with a long, dark robe for a magical wizard look. This costume can be taken in so many different directions. Be a generic wizard with a wand and pointy hat, or select your favorite magical character and wear something specific to their look. Whether you’re new to practicing your witch’s brew recipe or have mastered it long ago, your friends will be under your spell when they see this costume on you. 


Pajama Party 


Maybe you weren’t a fan of the elderly couple's costume. However, you still want to be comfortable! Style yourself up as a kid in his pajamas with a fluffy fleece robe, choosing a navy blue or even red to really complete the look. Add a stuffed bear and the book “Goodnight Moon,” and you will be the sleepy star of the show. 


Legendary Figures 


Have you always wanted to control time? Now you can, dressed as Father Time in his flowing robes. Or maybe you want to be the Tooth Fairy, leaving pocket change for kiddos under their pillows at night. Perhaps you’ve always dreamt of putting people to sleep as Sandman and, with a flourish of glitter, disappearing into the night.  All of these Legendary figures are known for their robes, and our long men’s robes would be the perfect fit for this role.



Logistics of Robe-Wear


As you decide on your awesome costume, it is important to keep a few logistics in mind. When going out in public in your robe-based costume, always wear something underneath it. If it makes you more comfortable, you can even wear a pair of leggings or tights with your costume. 


Also, remember that certain robes (such as fleece robes) keep your body warm as they are intended to insulate, so be sure to hydrate as to not overheat in your layered look. However, if your robe is not warmth-inducing, try to wear layers underneath it. Putting a jacket over your costume will ruin the look; instead, come prepared!


Because of our wonderful variety of robes and costume ideas, you can choose one that is appropriate for the occasion; if the party that you are attending will be outside on a cold night, choose a costume that requires a fleece robe. On the other hand, if the party will be inside, your options can be more open and you could choose one of the costumes that requires a kimono robe if you so desire.


Always follow the care-taking directions that come with your robe when washing and drying it. 


Party Ready!


You are now ready for your party! Whatever costume you decide on, it will be unique and unforgettable. Wear it confidently, and everyone around you will love your fresh take on a classic concept. You will win Halloween this year with an awesome costume and an even better, high-quality robe that you get to keep at the end of the night.


Plus, you will have saved money by making your costume out of something useful, rather than simply taking the easy way out and buying a cliche pre-made costume. That's a win in my book! Now, go enjoy that party and drink some punch for me. 

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